Li Jun, see Panda burning incense on the news and had to leave Beijing, I feel very sad, he was full of excitement and desire to big capital, but as signs of a crime being shut out, really do not know that he was wrong or wrong in this society.
In fact, the media exposure from the prison to find work, he has been unable to find jobs. Which I may say has been a long time, almost has disappeared from sight, but do not know why, Which media or press for his release to pop out. The news came out, basically all the big companies have been famous, has let him find work. This is an entrepreneur and cook the very powerful, but if the venture did not succeed, look for big companies to work hard to basically go in, summoned up the courage. Not only he did not face, big companies do not face that do not want to receive ah. What big company has an employee go out, see how other employees across the company. Safety procedures developed do every day against viruses Trojans, who can not write, but not write, no need to write and not write it. Technically no advantage at all, but in interaction with others on, It looks not very good either. And there are so many media attention, the company, this is trouble, not interest. Security does not need such a reputation.
So, if no media began to expose, to drop everything, quietly looking for work, might even go in a security company. After all, the prodigal son, Jin Bu Huan, did not properly take the road, why do have to drive people out. Do so many things, what we seek, but only one stable. Or looking for work completed to further speculation, the company is also a charity, that tolerance and acceptance of company strength, such a pre-fried, which the company dare the sheep. Therefore, he then south to find work, the same as looking for work in Beijing as not optimistic.
= Shi Yin Qing Yuan 缂?there, the media are Shuangren Jian on the one hand so that he could not find work, while also giving him the same as other things: Fame, great reputation. This reputation is also to exchange interest and survival. News also have seen a television, the media want to interview, this name itself can be turned into the other great benefits.
銆??鍗宠嚜宸卞紑涓?釜灏忓畨鍏ㄥ叕鍙革紝鎴栬?灏卞崟骞诧紝缃戜笂寮?釜缃戦〉锛屽疄鍦ㄥ姙涓嶄簡璇佸氨鍒板ぇ缃戠珯寮?釜blog锛岀粰鍏徃鍜屼紒涓氱淮鎶ょ淮鎶ゆ湇鍔″畨鍏ㄤ粈涔堢殑锛屾彁渚涚偣鎶?湳鏀寔浠?箞鐨勶紝涓?釜鏈堝嚑鍗冨潡鎬昏繕鏈夌殑鍚с?涔熻冻澶熷吇娲昏嚜宸卞悆楗簡锛屽拰鍦ㄥ叕鍙告墦宸ヤ篃鍖哄埆涓嶆槸寰堝ぇ浜嗭紝杩涘埌鍏徃閲岋紝涓?埇鑱屽憳锛屼笉涔熷氨杩欎箞涓环鏍煎槢銆?br />
銆??鎴戜竴鐩磋涓虹殑鏄紝浜虹敓娲诲簲璇ユ湁甯屾湜锛岃繖绉嶅笇鏈涳紝涓嶅簲琚壖鏉?紝鑰岃蛋涓婂彟澶栦竴鏉¤矾銆傛瘡涓汉閮芥湁姣忎釜浜虹殑閬撹矾鍜屽懡杩愶紝杩欐潯璺棤璁烘?涔堟牱璧帮紝閮戒笉搴旇鏂粷銆傚伐浣滃姝わ紝鐢熸椿濡傛銆?br />
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